Monday, November 23, 2009

macie has arrived!!

macie was born nov 20th at 558 pm weighing 8 lb 7 oz and 20 inches! labor and delivery wasn't bad at all! it actually wasn't very painful and all in all wasn't very long either. i got to the hospital at 730 but things werent' even started til around 10. then it was delayed by 11 cause the epidural wouldn't be available til 1. by 2 we had the epidural and meds for contractions going again. stubborn little girl, wouldnt stay put when they were checking on dialation so the drs didnt wanna break the water in case the cord tried coming first. it would have caused emergency c section. so outta safety for both of us we waited til after 5 when things were a little closer to happening on their own. contractions were coming in groups of 3 lasting about 4-5 minutes but i wasnt feeling most of them. so also by 5 or 530 they seperated to 1 at a time. dr came in and broke water when i had gotten to a 9. 10 minutes later she was out! no stitches for me! i even got to cut the cord again. she started breathing right away but didn't want to cry. she didn't really cry until they started giving her shots after she was about an hour old.

she has black hair and brown eyes for now! i just saw the color of them today finally. she is very strong and has been picking her head up to look around.

after a few hours one of my legs was awake and i needed to go pee, but the other was still dead asleep. i had help to get to the toilet and then had to tell the nurses that i didn't feel good and felt like throwing up. then i almost passed out. they got me back to the bed and laid it down flat and kept me awake with amonia, nasty stuff!!! and got me feeling better again by fanning me. they said it was from the epidural wearing off and getting up too soon. it took 9 hours for my leg to wake up from being asleep from the epidural. i think it was a side effect from the epi i had with ari. that dr hit a nerve. the one for macie did an awesome job! didn't hit a nerve and did things pretty quickly.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

new things to come!

my induction date is set for friday the 20th if she hasn't shown herself by then. i almost don't think she will wait that long. we are in our new house now, its not organized yet but its livable. we went to our new ward, new building. maybe when we find the camera is when we will take pictures of the new house and of macie when she comes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

new house

we signed on our house yesterday!!! we will move in as soon as we get a phone call tonite! we are just waiting for it to be recorded and funded and as soon as that happens i will go in and clean it a little and hopefully be able to sleep there tonite! i will put up pictures when i get them taken.