Thursday, April 30, 2009

where do i start?

so curtis has one more day of school. may 1st will be his last day. he has loved it and i recommend that if any of you want to put your 3 to 5 year old in it that you email the lady asap and let her know. he spent lots of time at school learning about animals. he learned about stars and space and aliens to go with it. he learned about a farm and sports. they used lots of paper plates to make their crafts. they painted with their fingers and brushes. they put bracelets and necklaces together. they learned about trains. the students that were taking care of the little students read lots of stories to them.

i had an ultrasound to get a due date. the official due date they wanna use is november 12th! it was a little closer than i thought. i thought it would be about the 19th. i'll take the 12th though. there is definately one baby. i was kind of hoping for two just so i wouldn't have another pregnancy. most of the time i feel pretty good now but sometimes my hunger gets out of hand and i start feeling pretty sick.

the mowing season has started. vaughn mows the yard for our apartments and gets paid for it. we are not professional but it gets the job done. if anyone wants to help us out, you could hire us for your yard mowing. we are trying to come up with a riding mower since we have an acre and a half to do with a push mower. it takes 3 hours to mow then to go around to weed eat.... its a long job. but its gonna pay our rent for a few months.

curtis is in sumbeams at church as most of you know or could have guessed. he gave his first talk a month ago or so and has been so incredibly anxious to do it again. he gets another chance on sunday. he wants to go up during fast and testimony meeting.

well anyway i cant think of anything else right off hand. hope your days are well!

1 comment:

Missy08 said...

Well that is great looks like u are having fun this is Melissa Dayley from the ward if u haven't guessed.